So, you’ve gone on the ADU tours, found the perfect architect to translate your tiny house ideas, worked with a fantastic group of contractors to bring that vision into reality and now it’s time to …
Airbnb Consulting Services
posted on by Charity
So, you’ve gone on the ADU tours, found the perfect architect to translate your tiny house ideas, worked with a fantastic group of contractors to bring that vision into reality and now it’s time to …
Have you ever seen Ghosts? No, not that kind of ghost, I’m talking about the CBS sitcom Ghosts. To be honest, it’s provided a welcome diversion from the madness out there in the real world. I’ll even admit to watching a heaping handful of episodes in one sitting on a recent cold and rainy evening. […]
Eat and Drink Like a Champ A very wise person once told me “All you do in Portland is eat and drink.” And you know, in many ways, they were right. But why not? We have some of the world’s finest artisanally crafted cuisine at every price point located in charming neighborhoods throughout the city. […]
Though they may be commonly overlooked by some platform users, both guests and hosts doing their due diligence rely heavily on reviews as a tool to navigate Airbnb to ensure they have a positive experience when renting or hosting. Transparent written reviews are a huge factor in solidifying the trust between guests and hosts that […]